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Top Reasons to Hire a Local Mover

Top Reasons to Hire a Local Mover | Moving Squad

Moving is so much more involved than just packing and taking your belongings from point A to point B. It takes a lot of planning and coordination, intermingled with some deep breathing exercises and perhaps some internal screaming. Hiring a team of local, professional movers can greatly reduce your stress levels, and thus, your moving-induced […]

How to Find a Reliable Handyman in South Florida

How to Find a Reliable Handyman in South Florida | Moving Squad

For many South Florida residents, calling in a handyman is admitting defeat. It’s akin to saying, “I give up. This air conditioner/ boiler/home entertainment console has gotten the best of me, and it will take a stronger/ more intelligent/better-looking person than I to rectify the problem” At Moving Squad, we say “When it comes down […]